Ashfur would wake up horrified by what he saw, but was any of that real? Quickly he'd look around and instantly realized he was in the Warrior's den, but something felt off. He'd feel extremely weak and sore, something happened but he couldn't remember. Ashfur heard an arguement outside as it sounded like a clan meeting was going on, he'd limp towards the exit and began to listen. "Since the Great Battle, it has been determined that twenty-seven cats have passed. One of the more unfortunate deaths would be of Firestar's as he was killed defending the clan from attackers. As mentioned after the death of our leader it has come to conclusion that Brambleclaw will take up the mantel of Leader." Sandstorm spoke loudly. Ashfur would mainly focus on the idea that Brambleclaw will become leader, it upset him but he continued to listen to the meeting. "I am honored to take up this opportunity to serve Starclan and our family, in respects of them I have chosen to appoint Squirrelflight to become my deputy." Brambleclaw announced with estatic glee. Now this really upset Ashfur, not only did Brambleclaw come out on top of everything- but has lost his Squirrelflight to the foxheart those are now calling 'Leader'. Ashfur would struggle back to his bed and fall back into his gloom, but something was different- he felt enraged and his bloodlust torrmented him more than before. He'd tear up still, as he still was sane enough to know his heart was broken and it was Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight's fault. Thoughts would become plans, his determination aimed into a more chaotic loss of control of ones self.